Alexander Kai

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Gabriel Ryan

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Benjamin Tyler

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Since Alex's cousins "Godzilla" and "Edelweiss" had so much fun with their finger pain kit, and after being convinced by Aunt Sam that Alex would love this, we decided to give it a try! And he LOVED it!!!!! At first he wasnt sure what he should be doing, so after I dipped his fingers in the paint he got the idea. At first he would just dip one finger in, and then he eventually started putting both hands in and went to town on the kit! This is such a good idea! Since David and Dustin were working on getting the garage all organized today, Alex wanted to be outside with his "Dada" and was terribly upset he couldnt keep stabbing his dad with a screw driver LOL So I brought him inside and let him play with his new finger paints! Thanks for the idea Sam!!! (o:

He sneezed, and tried to wipe his nose with his hand,
and got paint all over his face lol I thought it was cute!
When I showed him this picture he was terriby upset
that the kid in the picture was dirty! He kept saying
"Uh oh! Dirty! Uh oh!" lol

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

how cute is he...i now expect some art by mail or when you come to visit..what an artist (0: