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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Sundance Dental!

I love my dentist!! He said that I am WAY too young to need any teeth extracted! That it's crazy to even suggest it! LOL So I get to have a fun root canal! But I'd rather have that than a tooth extraction! (o: Oh and I got MORE medicine too lol


Sam said...

YES!!! I knew it... so so glad you didn't let the psycho dentist start pulling - I am thinking without the x-rays who knows WHICH tooth he would have pulled! Or how many?! YIKES!!!

Glad you get a 'fun' root canal... lol... those aren't so bad, and it's got to be a TON better than having a tooth just GONE for good!!!

Tania said...

Yeah no kidding!!!!!!!

Sue said...

Glad to hear that you had better luck with your regular dentist . . . It helps ALOT to have confidence in the people working on your teeth . . .